Friday, October 30, 2009
Voki Avatars in the Classroom
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Ohio ACTE Conference
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What's Your Facebook "Code?"
1. What line of judgement do you use when accepting or declining friends?
3. What guide do you go by in posting pictures?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Professional Development Meme 2009
Summer can be a great time for professional development. It is an opportunity to learn more about a topic, read a particular work or the works of a particular author, beef up an existing unit of instruction, advance one’s technical skills, work on that advanced degree or certification, pick up a new hobby, and finish many of the other items on our ever-growing To Do Lists. Let’s make Summer 2009 a time when we actually get to accomplish a few of those things and enjoy the thrill of marking them off our lists.
The Rules:
NOTE: You do NOT have to wait to be tagged to participate in this meme.
*Pick 1-3 professional development goals and commit to achieving them this summer.
* For the purposes of this activity the end of summer will be Labor Day (09/07/09).
* Post the above directions along with your 1-3 goals on your blog.
* Title your post Professional Development Meme 2009 and link back/trackback to
* Use the following tag/ keyword/ category on your post: pdmeme09.
* Tag 5-8 others to participate in the meme.
* Achieve your goals and “develop professionally.”
* Commit to sharing your results on your blog during early or mid-September.
My Goals
My Tags - for those of you without your own can put your goals in my comments if you would like.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
21st Century Students
What are your thoughts?
How is the 21st Century student "dumb" or "smart"?
How is the 21st Century student different from the way you were as a student?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Short, Sweet, and to the Point
I met a fellow Career Tech Teacher from C-TEC, Mark Vukovic, who shared his students' use of Web 2.0 and Google Tools to complete web development for community service type projects. My other favorites were Stan McDonald from Delaware City Schools and Paul Ross from Bexley. Its good to see what other schools are doing! I wonder where and how we could do something similar in our area.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Fair isn't always equal...unless....
But the book title, Fair Isn't Always Equal got me thinking about that concept. I use that phrase often when clarifying the PRAXIS definitions of "fairness" (B1, by the way). We don't necessarily have to treat all students equally in order to provide a fair educational experience, in fact, its known as differentiation. Yet, when dealing with teachers, I'm sometimes advised its best not to differentiate. To treat all the same is the safe approach for the group, but I don't think it provides the best experience for the adult learner as an individual. But its safe. To recognize a teacher for excelling, to recruit another for a presentation, these things sometimes ruffle feathers.
So as teachers, do we believe
fair isn't always equal
fair isn't always equal, unless you are dealing with teachers, then equal is the only way to be fair.
It was a rough day.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Remember Your First Year of Teaching?
While I'm sure this won't happen overnight, I'm sure that change will come. There is already talk of no PRAXIS assessments next year.
So, tell me, how can we best support teachers in their first year? What should definitely be a part of our mentoring program for entry year teachers? What should we not be spending time on?
I look forward to hearing what others think. I look forward to redesigning what we do. Change isn't all bad.
Text Message Reminders: Gen. X Teachers vs. Gen Y Students
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My Lucky Four Leaf Clovers
I don't think about that enough.
I am lucky to have my health, happiness, family and friends.
At work I am lucky to be surrounded by supportive administration, great technology, teachers with a thirst for knowledge, and an educational concept that works.
What four things are you lucky for?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Pre School vs. High School
It started with an introduction to a letter and its sound,
then the phonics dance,
then the sound train,
then writing words with the letter,
then circling the letters in the words,
then a fishing game for the letter,
then the students wrote the letter.
Why does learning in pre school get to be so involved and then in highschool we use powerpoint and call that for the visual learner and the lecture for the audiatory? Seriously.