Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ohio ACTE Conference

Its time to head to Columbus to convene with career technical professionals from all over the state for the 2009 All-Ohio ACTE Conference. I'm looking forward to seeing colleagues and learning more about the people I work with. I enjoy the chance to visit sessions and learn about how other career centers are adapting to meet the needs of today's students and of course seeing friends and meeting new. See you in Columbus!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What's Your Facebook "Code?"

One of the things I find myself working to improve is my ability to "filter" not verbalize a thought simply because it crosses my mind. For two reasons, first, as a student, my grade card often included the comment "Talks Too Much," and second, what is humorous to me isn't always humorous to others.... For the most part though, I think I am less likely to "filter" when using FB. Is that dangerous? Is that more dangerous because I am in education?

I have a number of Facebook friends that are involved in education, teaching or otherwise. I want to ask those folks to offer their advice. What's your "code" when participating in FB.... Please answer the questions and/or offer ANY additional thoughts.

1. What line of judgement do you use when accepting or declining friends?

2. How do you decide what is or is not okay to list as your status?

3. What guide do you go by in posting pictures?

4. Do you believe educators are/should be held to a higher standard on FB? Why/Why not?

I hope to get responses from colleagues as well as educators from other schools. Join me in the conversation....What's your FB Code?